Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day weekend was wonderful because it was the official start of Summer 2015! A glimpse at my weekend...
Family Hike at Roxborough State Park 

A delicious meal of Flank steak (with Chimichurri sauce), sweet corn, roasted red potatoes and watermelon) all made by my wonderful husband. 

Out to eat at a new sushi restaurant called Blue Saki Sushi at the Streets of Southglenn. 

Sunday night out with friends in downtown Denver {Larimer Square}

Hike on Sunday {still a little cold}

Alex is 8 Months on 5.24.15

Weight: 19 pounds 0 ounces

Height: Not sure. Will find out at 9 Month checkup.

Eating:   Still breastfed and also is eating solids 2 times per day on average. Her favorite are carrots and sweet potatoes. She also loves eating fruits (especially frozen fruit) out of mesh food holders. She tried watermelon for the first time on Memorial Day and loved it!

Diapers: Pampers Size 3 Swaddlers.

Clothing: Mostly 9 month clothing, with some 6 month and some 12 month mixed in- depending on if it is tight or loose.

Milestones from 6-8 Months:

  • Moves from sitting to "crawl" position,but is not crawling just yet.  Soon though! 
  • Has had 2 teeth on bottom since about 6 months, but the top front teeth are very close to popping through (you can see the white)
  • Says "dadadadada" all day long.  Also does the cutest scrunchy face and loves to babble.  Have not heard a consistent "Mama" yet.  
  • Pulls herself to standing in her crib. 
  • Drinks small sips of water out of her sippy cup. 
  • Claps her hands. 

  • Riding in her new hiking pack.
  • Playing in her crib by herself and babbling when she wakes up.
  • Sitting in her high chair at dinner time and eating something herself!

Sleeping:   Goes to bed at 7 PM and sleeps usually until 4-5 and wakes for a feeding. Then goes back to sleep until around 6:30 AM. Consistently takes one morning nap that is 1.5 hours but is inconsistent with her afternoon nap.

Favorite Baby Items: 

  • Kelty Pathfinder Baby Carrier 3.0-
    Here in Colorado we love to hike, so this is an essential for our family.  She has already rode in the carrier for 2 different hikes and did amazing!  Our first hike was only 3 miles and she was ready to get out by the end, but the second hike she rode in it for 3 hours (6.5 miles) and was as happy as can be.  We took one break and let her get out at the summit of the hike (halfway) but other than that she just hung out in it.  Itis very well made and she even was able to take a little nap it in.  

Thursday, May 21, 2015


I haven't done a post in awhile {Been crazy busy with the end of the school year}, but I only have ONE MORE DAY until SWEET SWEET SUMMER!  I think I look forward to summer even more as a teacher than as a student and even more so now that I have a little one! I cannot wait to do fun things with her this summer and I think she is going to be a great age for starting to take her places like the zoo, park etc, because she is becoming more and more interactive every day.

Also, for those that like to hate on teachers for our time off, BELIEVE ME summers off are an AMAZING PERK of the job, but it is needed, especially when you work with middle school students.  I definitely couldn't do the job without the  mental break.  Personally, I would never last in this career.  Summer break allows me to rest and come back refreshed to deal with the craziness of 7th grade with renewed enthusiasm and energy.

The past month has been a pretty good one.  I celebrated my 29th birthday and my first mothers day and both were simple, yet perfect.  They basically fell on the same weekend, so to celebrate I ran a mother's day 5k and ran pretty well (23:30, 4th female overall) considering the circumstances (rain, mud, a trail course and the hills and elevation of the backcountry of Highlands Ranch).  It was a good motivator for me to get running more. We also went to breakfast at Jelly, near DU,  and got a few new things from Lululemon. (thanks Brandon!)   Our weather in Colorado has been "bleh" lately, with lots of rain and temperatures in the 40's, so hopefully it turns around soon because the pool opens Friday.

On a fitness note, Brandon, My sister Amanda and I are doing a 30 day ab challenge.  It is from Alexa Jean Fitness (found her on instagram) and all of her workouts are short and require no equipment- plus she is a super cute mom and has great abs :) The challenge appealed to me because it will force me to do core more regularly, now that we are entering swim suit season and we have a beach vacation on the horizon.  I also get a lot of ab work at Pure Barre, but lately, I  have only been going twice per week.  My summer goal is to get back to the Barre at least 3-4 days a week, because it makes such a difference in my strength and flexibility.  In addition, I feel like it really tones me and I feel "leanest" when I am going more consistently.  Running and Pure Barre are so different, but are great complements to each other.  I love the "sweatiness" and endorphins of a good run and the way you work (shake!) and stretch every part of your body in Pure Barre.

Now for the picture dump!

Mothers Day 5k 

         Mothers Day CAVS WIN! Yes, Alex is a wearing a "King Lebron Reigns Again" Onesie.

Yes I am an obsessed mom. Loves eating food from her mesh food thingy. 

Looks just like me as a baby in this one :) 

Peek-a boo! 

Getting big and pulling up on her crib. 

Isn't she just the cutest?!

And then this happens...how does she already love an IPHONE?!

Until next time...Thanks for reading :)