Diapers: Pampers Size 3 Swaddlers.
Clothing: 9 Month and 12 Month
Eating: Breastfeeding 3 x per day {AM, 3:30 PM, Bedtime}, one small bottle at 10 AM. Eating more solid food than milk and loves almost all foods, favorites include string cheese (or cheese of any sort), fruit (watermelon, peaches, pineapple are all favorites), avocado, waffles or carbs of any sort. Ate guacamole from Chipotle for the first time and loved it! Definitely loves feeding herself and gets mad when you try and feed her!
- Bed at 7 PM, could sleep through the night until 5 something or could wake up several times (depending on if she is getting teeth!)
- Naps once per day. Goes down between 11:45-1 and sleeps anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour and a half.
- Sometimes will catnap for 20-30 minutes or so in the stroller if I go for a run around 4 pm.
- Sleeps on her stomach and started sleeping with her "lovey"!
- Crawling very, very quickly everywhere!
- Climbing stairs
- Cruising along furniture and taking a few steps by herself before tumbling forward
- Clapping her hands when you say "Good job!"
- Pushing her baby stroller with "Dolly" in it all around the living room.
- Saying mama, dada, "ball" (I think :))
- Her "dolly" and pushing her in the stroller
- Her doggy, Avery and giving her hugs
- Cruising around, does not want to sit still on a lap
- Her book "Goodnight, I love you". We read it every single night.
- Giving kisses to mommy, daddy and doggy and characters in books.
- Eating & feeding herself!
- Clapping her hands!
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