Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Devils Head Peak Hike & Summer Days

Summer is the time when I am a full time stay at home mom!  We have kept really busy in the past few weeks.  I really get cabin fever sitting at home all day, so I try and get out as much as possible with my little 8 month old.  We usually do one activity a day plus some type of workout, usually running or pure barre.  I have gotten really good at running with the running stroller and now instead of doing just 3 miles, I am up to 4-6 and moving at a much faster pace.  I also attribute that to getting in better running shape as well.

Summer Days playing at our house 

Practicing walking with daddy 

On Saturday (June 13th), we did Devil's Head Hike.  It is relatively easy and short (about 3 miles round trip) but is pretty much straight uphill the way up.  Also there are 143 steps to climb at the end to get to the fire tower.  These were open air steps, so I was too focused on being freaked out than to feel the burn of climbing the stairs.  I am definitely scared of heights and it seems to be getting worse with age.
Top of the peak. 

 Mid hike picnic 

Avery (our dog) is such a good girl on hikes. 

Highly recommend our hiking pack to carry Alex (it is called the Kelty K3 Carrier) 


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