Welcome to the blog! I decided to start this blog to document and chronicle the life of my little peanut, Alexandra Elizabeth. I have been toying with the idea of it for awhile now, and I truly love to write, but am not great about keeping up with the baby books. So, this seemed like a perfect option! Anyways, on January 24th, little Alex turned 4 months and will be 18 weeks on Wednesday. Wow, time has really flown by! She is growing so quickly and I love watching her personality develop and her interact with us but sometimes I get nostalgic and miss the teeny tiny newborn phase.
Weight: 16 pounds 5 ounces (86th percentile). I can't believe she has gained 9 1/2 pounds since birth- girl hasn't missed a meal! What happened to my little 6 pounder?!
Height: 25.3 inches (93rd percentile) Definitely dad's 6 foot 4 genes at work here...
Eating: Exclusively breast milk until now, but will start rice cereal soon. Alex eats at 7, 9:45, 12:45, 3 pm, 5 pm and before bedtime 8 pm pretty consistently. Her schedule used to be more wporadic, but when she started at daycare earlier in January, she got on more of a schedule. Her only bottles are the 9:45 am and 12:45 pm feedings and the rest is breastfeeding, which she prefers. I am grateful to her wonderful daycare teachers for getting her to eat a bottle again ( She went on a strike during December and I could write a whole post about this) and she generally takes 4-6 ounces per feed. The only bottles she likes are the Phillips Avent brand.
Diapers: Size 2, Pampers Swaddlers.
Clothing: From 3-4 months wore 3 month clothing and some 6 month sleepers, now is in mostly 3-6 month/6 month clothing with the exception of some 3 month oneside
Milestones from 3-4 months:
- Started daycare January 5th, which was super sad, but she’s adjusted great and I was grateful to spend 15 weeks at home with her. On the plus side, she has a relatively short day since I’m off early as a teacher and is picked up by 3. She also gets all of the break days and summer with her momma.
- Rolled over from front to back 3 times in a row on January 5th and we have yet to see it again, however she might have done it at daycare during the day.
- Rolls from her back to her side, but not all the way over.
- Uses both hands to grab toys and loves her exersaucer. Finally noticed our dog, Avery and loves reaching out to pet her (and Avery responds by licking her face- in the nicest way possible)
- First plane rides to Ohio- was an angel on both of them and didn’t make a peep.
- Bathtime. She splashes her feet and likes the water cups pouring water on her. Still in her infant bathtub, but will probably be transitioned to the regular bath once she can sit up on her own.
- She loves playing on her back and tummy, and reaching for overhead toys.
- Loves other children, especially some of the older (9 month) boys in her classroom that bring her toys. Her teacher at daycare tells me about her other boyfriends everyday when I pick her up and it sounds like she might just be like her momma and be boy crazy (dad- you’re in trouble in the teenage years :).
- Going on walks outside, sitting at the dinner table, music and cartoons.
- Morning time- is so happy, smiley and playful at this time!
Not going to do a dislike category, because she is one happy baby, but mainly does not like taking bottles at home (but is fine with them at daycare), being hungry, bored or a wet diaper.
Sleeping: We’ve been all over the map on this one. The first 4-5 weeks of life were rough with many nights wake ups. Then we went to 4-5 hour stretches around 2 months and shortly after she was sleeping 7-8 hours consistently. That lasted just a few weeks before she went through a sleep regression around 3.5 months. Lately, she has been waking every 3 hours at night and then even every hour sometimes in the early morning hours. I am not good at cry it out, so she is usually picked up and fed. Hopefully she goes back to the 7-8 hours soon. Mom is back at work now and is tired!
Favorite Baby Items this month:
Exersaucer Triple Fun- life in the Amazon! She literally loves playing in this and there are so many little toys on it (ask my husband how much he loved setting it up)
Books (one she likes our neighbor lent us called “Hello Bugs”- great for her age range.)
Baby Bjorn (also have the Solly Baby Wrap, which is super cute, but I’m horrible about wanting to spend the time to do the wrap)
1 Month...
And my precious newborn...
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